Solutions that increase productivity, sales, and product awareness

Efficiency Meets Accuracy

Tools for Sound Design

Multipurpose Acoustical Prediction Program (MAPP) is currently a cloud based prediction program built with Java and C++ technologies that allows a sound system designer to accurately predict loudspeaker system performance. This is a free program available to anyone who wants to gain knowledge about Meyer Sound Products. MAPP is the ultimate interactive data sheet.

The first generation client app MAPP Online was released in 1999. MAPP Online started out with the user goal to accurately predict the performance of a single loudspeaker. The business goal was to make it cross-platform and deploy it worldwide using the internet as its method to communicate with the factory where the prediction engine crunches the numbers and sends back the prediction data and images to the client computer. As it evolved, more user driven tools were added including the ability to predict multiple loudspeaker systems of different types as there was a market shift from 2001-2002 to multi-element systems. The second generation MAPP Online Pro app was constructed with telemetry data in mind: how many times the user predicts, with which product(s), and time spent using the app (daily active users, weekly active users, and monthly active users). The app became more popular as the focus remained on improving user experience when Meyer Sound’s line array family of loudspeaker products were launched in 2001, 2007 and again in 2014. Since these systems required more features to increase the speed of predicting coverage and system performance (see the Measurement Viewer window below), MAPP was in high demand and became a reliable toolkit for professional audio designers worldwide. The business-specific goal was to increase the number of monthly active users and continue to improve on application performance, stability, and customer satisfaction.

The fourth generation system design and prediction tool MAPP 3D was released in summer 2020. MAPP 3D, a free software desktop application for macOS and Windows, is a powerful, multipurpose sound system design tool that delivers precise, high-resolution predictions of sound energy distribution in a three-dimensional sound field.

MAPP XT System Design Tool: 2D Sound Field (Section View)

MAPP XT System Design Tool: 2D Sound Field (Section View)

The MAPP XT Sound Field is essentially two-dimensional. The app allows the user to see a pressure map of a given Meyer Sound loudspeaker system design at a particular frequency. This helps the user determine which product works best as well as the quantity required for a given area of the venue. Once the user has verified his design using MAPP XT, they will then contact a sales manager or representative for direct sales support or make a purchase. MAPP XT is also a learning tool used by education institutions all over the world.

MAPP XT Measurement Viewer

MAPP XT Measurement Viewer

The Measurement Viewer allows the user to measure a single probe point (virtual measurement microphone) and view the results on a chart. This chart shows Sound Pressure Level as a function of Frequency. The measurement microphone can be moved within the area of interest and once a new location is selected, the chart will be automatically updated.

Apps for System Control

Large Systems Controlled by
Simple User Interface Solutions

Compass Go by Meyer Sound: Processors Home Page

Compass Go by Meyer Sound: Processors Home Page

Compass Go by Meyer Sound: Galileo GALAXY Overview Page

Compass Go by Meyer Sound: Galileo GALAXY Overview Page

Compass Go by Meyer Sound: Galileo GALAXY U-Shaping EQ Filter, US Patent 9,722,560

Compass Go by Meyer Sound: Galileo GALAXY U-Shaping EQ Filter, US Patent 9,722,560


Compass Go for iPadOS makes system setup and tuning much easier and more intuitive. By connecting to a Galileo GALAXY processor on the same Wi-Fi network, you can seamlessly and accurately optimize your sound system.

Customer Requirements:

  • iPad Control of Meyer Sound’s Galileo GALAXY Digital Platform so that the user can move about the venue quickly and easily without a laptop.

  • See current parameters status and any adjustments made at any control point

  • Manage and Adjust control of all input and output processing for every Galileo GALAXY in the system

  • Create, edit, and store new snapshot settings in the GALAXY processors

  • Recall snapshots of prior user settings

We measure success with the app by reviewing key performance indicators including: number of app units, impressions, product page views, installations, sessions, crashes and deletions. The business goal: customer satisfaction and retention in the Galileo GALAXY Digital Platform.

Compass Go by Meyer Sound: Galileo GALAXY Matrix Page

Compass Go by Meyer Sound: Galileo GALAXY Matrix Page

Compass Go by Meyer Sound: Galileo GALAXY AVB Stream Info

Compass Go by Meyer Sound: Galileo GALAXY AVB Stream Info

Compass Control Software: Control Groups Tab

Compass Control Software: Control Groups Tab

Compass Control Software: Processor Overview Tab

Compass Control Software: Processor Overview Tab

Compass Control Software:  Multiple Channel View - Output Processing (U-Shaping)

Compass Control Software: Multiple Channel View - Output Processing (U-Shaping)

Compass Control Software: Dual Channel View - Output Processing

Compass Control Software: Dual Channel View - Output Processing

Design, Deploy, & Calibrate

Creating Products to Solve Customer Problems

Better Tools for Accurate Results

MAPP 3D and Compass Go by Meyer Sound - Both connected to the same Galileo GALAXY device

MAPP 3D and Compass Go by Meyer Sound - Both connected to the same Galileo GALAXY device

A Complete System Approach

MAPP 3D is an example of bringing all these elements together into a complete ecosystem. Collaborating with many stakeholders and subject matter experts, I wrote the MRD for MAPP 3D. Customers are looking to execute their jobs more efficiently from design to deployment. These product goals include: Design the system, compile a list of equipment, make a purchase (or pull from inventory), deploy, optimize, and tune. By chasing the goal of customer satisfaction, the business-specific goals (conversion first, then retention) can be achieved. Data science can provide the information we need to pivot or stay the course.

MAPP 3D Measurement View: Frequency Response and IFFT (Source Independent Measurement) Data

MAPP 3D Measurement View: Frequency Response and IFFT (Source Independent Measurement) Data

MAPP 3D Measurement View: Headroom Data
